
Geometrization and Poincaré Conjecture

The path toward the Poincaré Conjecture proof was initially “started” by the work of Thurston’s project, in which he aimed to classify and study in-depth low-dimensional manifolds.

The path can be seen as:

There is a great paper by Thurston about 3-manifolds: How to See 3-manifolds.

Loosely & Roughly Speaking1

Any closed, orientable 2-dimensional manifold is known to hold one of the three geometric structures: Euclidean $\mathbb{E}$, Spherical $\mathbb{S}$, Hyperbolic $\mathbb{H}$, but what about 3-dimensional manifolds? What type of geometry they can hold?

Well, the process to deduce the answer is complicated. However, it can be simplified as follow:

As the path, The Geometrization Conjecture helps in proving The Elliptization Conjecture, using the fact that if the fundamental group is finite, then the geometric structure is $\mathbb{S}$.

Therefore, The Poincaré Conjecture follows immediately.

About The Proof

The proof was done by Grisha Perelman in three papers that appeared on Arxiv [1][2][3], using surgery technique with Ricci Flow. To take an overview of the proof, you can read Tao presentation.

  1. Trying to simplify the topic in somehow technical language without being too strict. 

  2. Remember, the circle is a special kind of ellipse.